Dude, night shifts take whatever you have in your brains and SHAKE IT!
Like what Madison did to Lil' Wayne's Lollipop...
Madison - Lollipop (Lil' Wayne Cover) (mp3)
Like what Fake Blood did to Cheap and Cheerful by The Kills...
The Kills - Cheap and Cheerful (Fake Blood Remix) (mp3)
Like Bob Marley's Night Shift twisted by the Markov Chain....
Working on a forklift In the forklift, from A.M. (Did you say that? Why did you say that? Why did you say that?) to P.M. (Working all night shift; Working on a forklift In the night shift; Working on a night shift, With the forklift, from A.M. (Did you say that? Upfull and right!) all night shift, yeah! (Did you say that? Why did you say that?) to P.M. (Working all night (all night!) Working on a night shift, yeah! (Did you say that? Why did you say that? Why did you say that? Why did you say that? Upfull
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