Yep here it is fresh from the crates, a brilliant new dubstep dj set by radio&fernseh. Beer'n'dub is combining well known UK dubstep heroes such as caspa, shackelton and joker, newcomers like
flux pavilion and
bam bam dealers as well as upcoming international artists like
hedmark or
mr. gasparov covering the whole musical spectrum this truly exciting scene has to offer. Listen, download and spread the word.
marcus price – surf (hedmark rmx)
hudson mohawke – twistclip loop
sweat.x – i’m that alley (mike slott rmx)
paul white – versus the bbc
gemmy – rainbow rd
mr gasparov – 1975
darkstar – aidy’s girl is a computer
flying lotus – disco balls
crookers – park the truck feat.spank rock
mike snow – black&blue (caspa rmx)
bam bam dealers – aint no sunshine
the heavy – how you like me now? (joker rmx)
flux pavilion – kontroller feat. go control
s.y.n.k.r.o – „inhale“
peverelist – junktion (shed rmx)
jacques palminger – tüdeldub (shackleton rmx)
special bonus track: sneaky –feel like a king feat.barbara panther (robert koch rmx)